LABC Regional Finalist 'Lawrence House'
Studio 24 travelled to The Halls in Norwich to collect a Regional Finalist award for 'Best New High Volume Housing Development', with our client HTS Estates and project manager Bremner Partnership. It was a great evening and a chance to applaud all the projects, teams and people that had delivered design quality via projects or services.
Many thanks to our building control partners 3c Shared Services for being part of the delivery team working alongside Patrick B. Doyle (Construction) Ltd.

Shortlisted finalist for Building Excellence Awards
Lawrence House, designed and delivered by studio24 on behalf of HTS Estates Ltd, has been named amongst this years shortlisted finalists for 'Best high volume new housing development 2019'. We are super excited and look forward to hearing the final outcome later this year in July, when the winners will be announced.
Many thanks to the design team, 3C shared services (Cambridge) and Contractor Patrick.B Doyle (Construction) Ltd, who worked with us on the project.

'S House' In for planning

Best Conservation, Alteration or Extension Award
studio24 architects' founder, Mark Richards collected the award and thanked the design team, main contractor Cocksedge and their trades, whom together with studio24 delivered the challenging corner site development.
Photography - Julian Claxton

Cambridge Design Award shortlistings
For us as architects and authors of the designs, it is hugely satisfying to reflect with clients on the decisions they made and the trust they give to us, to deliver a project from start to finish. It is only unfortunate that we cannot help a wider audience of public clients to design and deliver similar projects. However, we hope the design of the buildings will be enjoyed by the people that use and experience them in the future.
We'd like to thank all those that contributed, to both of these projects throughout the process and hope that they too, feel good about what we've created.
Best wishes for 2019!
What are we working on
As we draw closer to this years end, two of these small projects are due to start on site.
Pegg's Cottage is a Grade II Listed building with 20th Century additions. Having considered and dismissed a number of alternative houses and locations, our clients who requested our opinion on design and layout opportunities 'pre-purchase', will shortly commence works to extend an existing breakfast/dining room and remodel the first floor accommodation. New contemporary glazed additions will be complemented by repurposing existing field flint walling to make a stronger connection with the secluded garden.
Ferry Path will also commence some enabling works initially, before getting under way early next year.
The need for improved living space does not only apply to old properties. We are currently pursuing two intervention projects that look to redress the balance of inadequate living space, now common place with new houses. More about those shortly…
One88 Project Update

An 80/20 ratio of 80% effort required to complete the final 20% of a build programme is a common theme in construction. Despite the careful consideration of construction sequencing and all the efficiencies of MMC (Modern Methods of Construction) employed during the design stage, our site on Histon Road could become another casualty of this statistic! Nevertheless the final push is exciting. All three storeys are up, it will be weathertight any day now and the arrival of the pre fabricated off site cladding is imminent.
This residential development in central Cambridge is a bit different. The building is a hybrid of construction techniques, cherry picking the best approach for each component based on long term sustainability, performance in use and value for money. The building has a concrete frame at its core, double insulated timber framed infill walls and roof and a predominantly brick and metal rain screen outer shell. The buildings services are future proofed, supplied substantially from renewable sources. Each dwelling will be fitted with a Danish Nibe Energy System that combines ventilation and heat recovery, water and space heating into one - no clip on renewables at roof-level here!
Aspirations for the completed building are high and we are working closely with our contractor, PB Doyle to deliver our second new-build in Cambridge, in 5 years.
One88 Underway

Our Histon Road residential development is taking shape. The project uses a hybrid superstructure to take full advantage of material performance in use characteristics. The building will use open timber frame panel construction to create an energy efficient envelope while maximising internal floor space and enabling a large amount of natural daylight through large glazed openings.
2016 Awards
Many thanks for all those that helped in the design and construction of Nelson Court, which in the last couple of months has received two awards. The first in the hotly contested Cambridge News and Media - Cambridge Property Awards 2016 'Small development of the year' and recently the Cambridge Design and Construction Awards - Best New (small) Building 2016. We are delighted for our client and for all those involved who helped deliver studio24's first building!

CDCA Awards Shortlisting
Our project 'Nelson Court' has been shortlisted for 'Best New (small) Building' in the Cambridge Design and Construction Awards! It's exciting times and very encouraging for our young practice to be recognised locally for the quality of work and approach. Shortlisted works will be presented on the 13th March at a special event organised by Cambridge City Council and the CFCI.
Swavesey receives planning approval

original application view
New website
If you can't find an example of work or building type that you are thinking about or want to chat about an idea you have for a project, please drop us a line!